works contacts

Moritz Ellmann (1983*, Freiburg) is a filmmaker and artist. Lives and works frequently between Vienna and Germany. He works as a teacher.  Analog film, documentary, digital media, photography and combining other nearby and more distanced art disciplines, including political and sociological phenomena are his approaches to art. He works with colours, black-and-white, and other materials. Between mixing different arts, emotions, philosophy, and science knowledge he tries to get a better understanding of life, its surroundings, human nature and societies.

Screenings / Filmfestivals (Auswahl):
10 Jahre filmkoop Wien, Filmmuseum (2019); Analog Layers, Foto Wien (2019); Klang Licht Zeit // Licht Zeit Klang // Zeit Klang Licht, Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus (2018); 64. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Filmprogramm „Labs“, Deutschland (2018); DREISECHSFUENF #03, Dessous Vienna (2018)

Moritz Ellmann